The “Momo Challenge,” has been a huge spread across the country by warning parents to watch out on what could come up on their child’s device. The “Momo Challenge,” is also known as a ‘suicide challenge.’
“Free Hess, a pediatrician and mum-of-one, spotted a chilling clip showing a man on the screen, giving directions on how to take your own life.”
The eerie smile and big bug eyes of a Japanese sculpture named “Mother Bird,” is now the talk of YouTube, while warning parents and guardians to watch what their child is viewing on YouTube. The sculpture is the work of a Japanese special effects company called Link Factory. The company has claimed to have no relations to anything due to the “Momo Challenge.”
“Parents please be aware and very cautious of what your child watches on YouTube and KIDS YOUTUBE,” the screenshot states. “There is a thing called ‘Momo’ that’s instructing kids to kill themselves, turn on stoves while everyone is [sleeping] and even threatening to tell their parents.”
“It doesn’t come on instantly so it’s almost as if it waits for you to leave the room then it comes [on mid show],” she continued. “It’s been on Peppa Pig, LOL DOLL, those surprise eggs, and a few others.” –
YouTube has gone to clarify that they, in fact, have no evidence of the “Momo Challenge” on their platform.
We want to clear something up regarding the Momo Challenge: We’ve seen no recent evidence of videos promoting the Momo Challenge on YouTube. Videos encouraging harmful and dangerous challenges are against our policies.
— YouTube (@YouTube) February 27, 2019
(Credit: Twitter)
(Credit: YouTube/Instagram)
Many have claimed to have seen Momo appear not only on YouTube, but have seen on apps such as WhatsApp, Robolox or even Minecraft.
Kim Kardashian even begged YouTube to stop alleged ‘Momo Challenges’ from appearing in children’s videos.
(Credit: CBS News)
“It’s something very scary, especially for younger children. Children tend to be very gullible, which can make them believe these sorts of things.” – Kamar, LHS.
Today we've heard from hundreds of concerned schools and parents about the horrifying #Momo challenge which has reportedly been appearing in children's YouTube videos, causing panic and upset amongst young people. We hope you find our guide useful…
— National Online Safety (@natonlinesafety) February 26, 2019