Intel introduces a new product in the 8th Gen Intel Core processor family that combines a high-performance CPU with discrete graphics and HBM2 for a thin, sleek design. A comparison shows the space these components take on a traditional board (left) and on the new 8th Gen Intel Core processor that combines the components all on one package. (Credit: Intel Corporation)What if I told you earlier this year during the time of Ryzen and Vegas releases. Raja Konduri, AMD’s GPU architect behind the new Vega architecture would be taking a sabbatical from the company to work with there arch-rival Intel. To the outsider, this may not seem like big news but in the computer big leagues, this is a very big deal.
The rivalry between these companies could easily be compared to Batman vs Joker. The two hate each other and both are trying to swoop under the other, but in the end, one cannot survive without the other do to each owning vital instruction sets that are standards in the everyday computer users world.
Since Raja Konduri is leaving to help Intel we may end up getting something actually revolutionary. Within the CPU battlefield, AMD and Intel are at each other’s throats. When it comes to IP in the graphics region, however, AMD has far more to offer than Intel at this point in time.
Currently, we are expecting to see Intel use AMD’s Polaris architecture for their graphics chips in the mobile processor field which will be a very big deal for the laptop world. After a large number of tests, Vega architecture has been able to prove it performs equal to or even better than Nvidia’s high-end offerings.
This can definitely be seen in the pricing as well (if you’re looking at MSRP).
What we hope to see out of this are slimmer high-performance laptops that are able to run things like VR out of the box with no need of an eGPU along with a reasonable price tag when compared to other high performance, low profile laptops. Due to this being Intel though, pricing is going to be an interesting story.
What Intel hopes to do with all of this is going after Nvidia along with increase things like gaming performance in the mobile market. From all of this, we can expect an increase in mobile processor graphical performance along with a war bigger than anything we have previously seen between these companies.
With all of this, we are unsure of release dates but are expecting them around Q1 of 2018. It is understood that these are some big dreams for something that isn’t a true GPU, but rather a form of onboard graphics. What is the harm of having high hopes for the collaboration of the second decade of the 2000s?