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On November 15th, 2017, The Trump administration announced future plans allowing hunters to bring trophies of elephants the killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States. The decision reverses a ban established in the Obama administration in 2014.
Ultimately, the revision will allow Americans to hunt the endangered big game and bring trophies home. Big game hunting is an activity that gained global awareness when a Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer, shot and killed Cecil–the world’s most famous lion in Zambia.
A US Fish and Wildlife Service spokesman points out the motive for the revision stating, “the move will allow the two African countries to include US sport hunting as part of their management plans for the elephants and allow them to put a ‘much needed’ revenue back into conservation.”
Despite the drastic efforts of conservation, the number of elephants in the wild plummeted 30% overall between the years 2007 and 2014. In response, restrictions were created during Obama’s presidency because the elephant population was declared endangered. Wayne Parcell, CEO of the United States Humane Society, shows disdain by pointing out, “We can’t control what happens in foreign countries, but what we can control is a restriction on imports on parts of the animals.”
President Donald Trump’s son Donald Jr . and Eric are frequent big game hunters themselves, showcasing their “trophies” to the world. When confronted about photos posted in 2012 from a recent hunt in Zimbabwe, Donald Jr. defends himself in stating, I can assure you it was not wasteful, the villagers were so happy for the meat which they do not get to eat often.”
Unfortunately, the same mentality is present within thousands of Americans who participate in the game–sending elephants and other wild species into extinction. But the situation contains a deep sense of irony with the realization that fees paid by hunters