Police have been searching for a woman who has been missing from Lakewood, Ohio since October of 2017. Roaa Al- Dhannoon who was 24 years old, was last seen at her apartment on Edgewater Drive in Lakewood on October 16,2017.
It concerned many of her family members because it wasnt normal for the young mother to not notify anyone before leaving. Investigators were searching in a wooded area this past week near Tiedeman Road and Memphis Avenue in Brooklyn.
The detectives of Lakewood said that there was a bag found near the area which contained biological remains. There were many court documents that showed that Roaa feared her ex husband, Fahed Mohammad Saeed.
Roaa was given a civil protection order but unfortunately he violated the order twice according to court records. In December of 2016, a man named Ammar Sami was arrested for obstruction of justice involving the case.
Ammar sated that he was shopping by himself on the night of the disappearance of Roaa. That statement was later determined to be a lie, when police eventually found out that Ammar was with her ex-hussband on that night.
On Monday, May 14, 2017 Fahed Mohammad Saeed was charged with the murder of his ex-wife, Roaa Al-Dhannoon. Fahed was charged with 15 counts which also included aggravated murder and kidnapping.
There was evidence of surveillance video of Fahed and Ammar purchasing shovels after the young woman’s appearance. Authorites say with the 15 counts, Fahed will now face up to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The investigation is not over, more charges could be given down the road.