The transition that we’ve all been so patiently waiting for is finally beginning to come alive, and the students and staff of Lakewood High could not be more excited. With the passage of the third bond issue, we have now officially stepped into the third and final stage of construction. The newly renovated academic, performing arts, and athletic wings are all projected to be completed by August of 2017. Although what was established to be a 10-year construction plan has taken a bit longer, we are thrilled to finally say goodbye to our friends “the mods” and experience the breath of fresh air that the new building will bring.
The rebuilding of elementary schools Grant, Lincoln, and Roosevelt have recently been completed after much hard work, leaving the finalization of LHS the last step.
Although the entire project will not be fully completed until this summer, the academic wing is projected to be completed in January. Pictured below, it is clear to see that there has been great progress made on this wing and that it will be ready to open in no time. That being said, the school will have to undergo a portion of this transition mid-schoolyear. With the big move taking place in the middle of winter, it is important that we work together as a student body to make the transition go as smooth and effective as possible.
This move from the temporary mods that have grown to be such a big part of the LHS community to a brand new building is not going to be easy. However, it is safe to say that we are all ready to take on the challenge.